domingo, 23 de marzo de 2014

Mishloach Manot

Mishloach Manot Drama

Nissan: (Knocks on door of the Ben Naim family) Yaakov, Nurit! Happy Purim! I prepared you a mishloach manot.
(Words flash on screen) Every family has a secret.
Yaakov Ben Naim: Happy Purim! Thanks so much. Just a moment, we’re going to bring you the mishloach manot that we prepared for you…
(Words flash on screen) A secret that they cannot permit themselves to reveal.
Nurit Ben Naim: Yaakov! You know that we didn’t prepare him a mishloach manot!
(Word flashes on screen) Never
Nurit: No, Yaakov, we’re not going to give him the mishloach manot that we received from the Spiegel family!
Yaakov: Nurit, there’s no choice. He’s at the door! He’s at the door! (Hands over the package to Nissan) Happy Purim!
Yaakov (to wife): How is it possible that we didn’t prepare one for Nissan Waldman?! How?!
Nurit: (prepares another mishloach manot) We’ll move on…We can’t fall apart, right? We’ll prepare another mishloach manot, and another mishloach manot.
Yaakov: Right, we’re strong. What should I wrote on the note for the Cohens’ package?
Nurit: I don’t know. Look at what the Spiegels wrote for us.
(Husband and wife look at each other in horror)
Nurit: The note.
(Close up of Nissan walking with the mishloach manot that the Ben Naims gave him, which reads “Happy Purim to the Ben Naims from the Spiegel family.” Voiceover says “Every mishloach manot has its address…”)
(Nissan and Bentsi meet on the street and shake hands).
Bentsi: Nissan
Nissan: Bentsi
Bentsi: Happy Purim
Nissan: Happy Purim
Bentsi: Nissan! You saved me the drive to your house…I have a mishloach manot for you
(Nissan’s face falls)
(Voiceover: an address that it’s forbidden to change.)
(Flashback to Nissan going over his list of people to bring mishloach manot to, and crossing out Bentsi’s name).
Nissan: (handing over the Spiegel/Ben Naim mishloach manot to Bentsi) Here, I just made you a mishloach manot.
Bentsi: Thanks Nissan!
Voiceover: The brave decision of one man
Yaakov: (Accepts mishloach manot from wife) That’s the replacement mishloach manot that you made for Nissan?
Nurit: Yes. Yaakov, I’m worried.
Yaakov: There’s no choice. I have to make it to Nissan in time.
Nurit: Be careful
Yaakov: You be careful too. It’s going to be OK
(Slow motion of Yaakov running with the replacement mishloach manot to Nissan)
(Voiceover: One man who chooses to change his destiny)
Yaakov: Nissan, there is something I must tell you! It’s about the mishloach manot I gave you…
Bentsi: Happy Purim, Yaakov! You’re saving me a drive over to your house, I have a mishloach manot for you…
(Flashback to Yaakov crossing Bentsi off of his mishloach manot list)
Yaakov: We also made you a mishloach manot (hands over the new mishloach manot they made for Nissan to Bentsi instead)
Bentsi: Thanks Yaakov
Spiegel: Hey, guys! Happy Purim
Everyone: Spiegel!
Spiegel: Nissan, Bentsi, how fun that I’m meeting both of you now…You saved me the drive to your houses.
(Bentsi and Nissan’s faces fall)
(Flashbacks of Bentsi and Nissan going over the mishloach manot lists with their wives, and crossing off Spiegel).
Bentsi: I also made you a mishloach manot, Spiegel.
Nissan: It’s from both of us.
( Yaakov watches on in horror as Bentsi hands Spiegel the mishloach manot with the note that says “From the Spiegel family for the Ben Naim family.”)
(Voiceover: A heartbreaking human tragedy. This coming Purim. Receive your package. )
Spiegel (sitting on bench and eating from mishloach manot) Isn’t this the mishloach manot that I gave Ben Naim?
(Words on screen) An Unpleasant Purim at the Pleasant Family

Spiegel: Ucchh, I hate poppyseeds!

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